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Périnatalité et Risques Toxiques

PERITOX Equipment

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Peritox has several technical facilities. Four are located in Amiens (the premature newborn unit, the thermal mannequin, the artificial intestine and the animal facility); they are managed by research engineer and a technician with expertise in experimental models and biological assays. Every year, a few technological development projects are offered to students in order to implement, complete or develop tools for integration. These project are primarily intended for students doing technical/engineering degrees. There are also technical facilities in Verneuil en Halatte (including those presented hereafter).

Exploration in vivo


Incubateur ISIS MP4 - Médipréma
Polygraphe ALICE 4 - Respironics (Philips)
Polysomnographe Brainnet - Medatec France
pHmètre Orion II - Solal
Analyseur d'O2 Sentroxy - Sentronic
Incubateur Satis - Médipréma
Caméra Infrarouge B400 - Flir System SAS
Prototype Electrovanne Test Hyperoxyque - Statice santé
Prototype Mannequin thermique Nouveau Né - POLYMETO
Caméra Infrarouge Optris PI - CAP Instrumentation

Polygraphe modèle 15-systeme d'amplificateur neurodata (chassis de base: tétière d'electrode et cables d'entrées) - astro-med SNC
Neuroamplificateur 4 voies AC Ref 15 A54 - astro-med SNC
Logiciel dacquisition et de traitement PolyviewPro + Gamma - astro-med SNC
Centrale mesure 120 voies SA 120B - AOIP instrumentation
Mesure de l'activité motrice par infra rouge - COULBOURN
Mesure de la prise alimentaire Balance Sartorius BL600 - Fisher scientific SAS
Système Emetteur radio (TL11M2-F20-EET) associé au récepteur (RPC-1) - Data Sciences Instruments

Exploration in vitro & Modélisation


Chambre muscle isolé -
Mannequin Thermique
SHIME (R) : intestin artificiel




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