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Périnatalité et Risques Toxiques
As the first ever joint university-INERIS research unit, the PeriTox UMR-I 01 unit was founded in 2008 on the basis of a university group that had been accredited by the French government since 1992. It includes 43 permanent staff (including 20 university- or hospital-based lecturers and researchers, and 8 INERIS researchers) and around 15 PhD students and postdocs.
The unit generates synergy between its human and technical resources and its complementary, interdisciplinary skills by bringing together physiologists, biologists, toxicologists, paediatricians and gynaecologists to work on a major research theme: the effects of chemical and physical environmental toxics on a child’s health. To the best of our knowledge, PeriTox is the world’s only research unit working on these aspects of health and the environment in children via an integrated analysis of the body’s main physiological functions.

Our scientific challenge fits into the “developmental origin of health and disease” (DOHaD) concept and the “exposome” concept; both have been included in France’s National Environmental Health Plan and its 2016 Modern Healthcare Act.


Impacts of Subchronic, High-Level Noise Exposure on Sleep and Metabolic Parameters: A Juvenile Rodent Model.
Bosquillon de Jenlis A, Del Vecchio F, Delanaud S, Gay-Queheillard J, Bach V, Pelletier A.
Environ Health Perspect. 2019 May;127(5):57004. doi: 10.1289/EHP4045. (IF: 8.309)

Distal skin vasodilation in sleep preparedness, and its impact on thermal status in preterm neonates.
Bach V, Delanaud S, Barcat L, Bodin E, Tourneux P, Libert JP.
Sleep Med. 2019 Feb 1. pii: S1389-9457(18)30385-X. doi: 10.1016; (IF: 3.395)

Effect of short exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on saliva biomarkers: a study on the electrohypersensitive individuals.
Andrianome S, Yahia-Cherif L, Selmaoui B.
Int J Radiat Biol. 2019 Feb 5:1-5. doi: 10.1080/09553002.2019.1569776. (IF: 1.970)

Possible effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on in vivo C6 brain tumors in Wistar rats.
Ouadah NS, Lecomte A, Robidel F, Olsson A, Deltour I, Schüz J, Blazy K, Villégier AS.
J Neurooncol. 2018 Dec;140(3):539-546. doi: 10.1007/s11060-018-03012-y. (IF: 3.06)

Isolated hypospadias: The impact of prenatal exposure to pesticides, as determined by meconium analysis.
Haraux E, Tourneux P, Kouakam C, Stephan-Blanchard E, Boudailliez B, Leke A, Klein C, Chardon K.
Environ Int. 2018 Oct;119:20-25. doi: 10.1016. (IF: 7.297)



Chardon K.
Présentation du projet de recherche "Imprégnation des femmes enceintes et de leur nouveau-né aux pesticides : résultats de l'étude Méco'expo et présentation de l'étude Hypo'méco.
Colloque FEES, Femmes enceintes, environnement et santé à Lille, 4 octobre 2016.

Bach V.
Distal skin vasodilation decreases wakefulness duration in preterm neonates.
Symposium : “Sleep in infants and children – Effects on development and cognition.”
International Paediatric Sleep Association Congress, Taipei, Taïwan, 11-13 mars 2016.


Kouakam C, Stéphan-Blanchard E, Léké A, Kongolo G, Delanaud S, Telliez F, Chardon K.
Ventilatory response to hypoxia during sleep in preterm neonates.
23rd European Sleep Research Society Congress, Bologne, Italie, 13-16 septembre 2016.

Stéphan-Blanchard E, Léké A, Chardon K, Delanaud S, Tourneux P, Bach V, Telliez F.
Impact de l’exposition prénatale au tabagisme sur les fonctions neurophysiologiques du nouveau-né.
10ème Congrès National de la Société Francophone de Tabacologie, Lille, 3-4 novembre 2016.

Ouadah N, Villégier AS.
Effects of GSM electromagnetic fields exposures on nociceptive threshold in the rat.
IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean, Île de la Réunion, 10-13 octobre 2016.

Barthélémy A, Mouchard A, Villégier AS.
Glial markers and emotional memory in rats following cerebral radiofrequency exposures.
IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean, Île de la Réunion, 10-13 octobre 2016.

Bouji M, Villégier AS.
Neurobiological effects of repeated radiofrequency exposures in male senescent rats.
IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean, Île de la Réunion, 10-13 octobre 2016.



2016 : 2ème prix des travaux de thèse de S. ANDRIANOME pour ses travaux sur le sommeil des personnes électro-hypersensibles lors du congrès BioEM (Joint Annual Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association), Gand, Belgique, 5-10 juin 2016.

2015 :
- Prix des Thèses Ecole Doctorale Sciences et Santé : Claire JOLY ;
- Prix Jeunes Chercheurs des Journées Amiénoises de Recherche en Santé (oct 2015) : Walaa DARWICHE ;
- Prix de la meilleure communication de A. PELLETIER pour ses travaux sur les effets des champs électromagnétiques chez l’animal lors du colloque « Les agents physiques, dangers et risques émergents liés aux ondes » de l’Association pour la Recherche En Toxicologie, Paris, 4-5 juin 2015.


PeriTox studies the short and long-term impacts of perinatal exposure to toxic factors (pesticides) and physical factors (notably the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by mobile phones, and moderate thermal stress) in the environment on the health of newborns and young children – particularly the effects on vital physiological functions involved in maintaining the energy balance (sleep, thermoregulation, respiration, digestion, etc.).

These effects may be exacerbated in premature infants and/or those having experienced in utero growth restriction (IUGR); this emphasizes the importance of the foetal development phase and the onset of exposure during development. We analyse the effects of chronic, “low”-level perinatal exposure from conception onwards, which is as coherent as possible with what is known about real exposure. These studies fit it the DOHaD concept and the “exposome” concept of disease.
These studies are performed in a coherent, complementary manner by working on the human newborn, in vitro systems and in silico models, from bench to bed and back again. Our approaches range from exposure assessment, molecular biology and cell biology to integrated physiology. We notably use innovative, stress-free and/or contact-free tools suited to the newborn’s status and size, as well as models that avoid the performance of experiments on animals or human (an artificial intestine, a thermal mannequin, etc.).

Nos équipements

• Exploration in vivo
• Exploration in vitro & Développement technologique  

The PERITHERM Laboratory

Since the unit’s creation, technological developments have enabled us to model the thermal exchanges between a newborn and its environment in great detail. We have designed and validated two unique thermal mannequins. These models have driven a fruitful collaboration with the French incubator manufacturer Médiprema since the 1990s. This collaboration prompted the joint foundation of the Peritherm Laboratory by the Jules Verne University of Picardie, Amiens University Hospital and Médiprema in 2010.


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